On the 9th of February, the Wellbeing Leaders of Unley Primary School, along with our teachers Ms Giro, Tenille and five other primary schools gathered for a wellbeing conference at Linden Park Primary School. At the start of the day the wellbeing leaders had a fitness lesson, where groups of four people, each from various schools, had to compete in four different activities, where each group had to work as a team to win.

After that, the children got to learn and get a better understanding of what wellbeing is and how to be a good wellbeing leader. Later on, after recess, the wellbeing leaders got to learn the definition of interoception and participated in different activities using interoception. Interoception means sensing internal signals from your body and  knowing what they mean.

The day ended with a session in which we had the opportunity to look at the statistics about well-being in our respective schools and get a clearer understanding. This gave us the opportunity to set some wellbeing goals for our school.

Diyasha Maheepala

Year 6 Wellbeing Leader