In Week 5 of this term, Susan Marshall and 10 students from year 6/7 spent two days in a recording studio in Norwood recording two songs for next year’s Primary Schools Festival of Music. The students auditioned and were selected because their voices blended together quite nicely. It was a fantastic experience for the students to learn and understand how a song is recorded. It’s not about singing the song from beginning to end, but singing a phrase or a couple of notes at a time and then it is all mixed together in the final product. The two songs that Unley recorded will be part of the CD with the repertoire for the 2020 Festival of Music. Students from around the state will be using the CD as their learning tool for the repertoire ready for the concert series in Term 3.

It is a great honour that Unley was chosen to be one of the recording choirs and the students worked very hard in the lead up to learn the songs and participate in the recording sessions.