Over the last term, the Education and Wellbeing Committee has worked to provide parents with regular posts about things families can do at home to support their child’s learning and development. It seems unusual, then, that we would advocate for students to spend some time at home being bored, but child development experts assure us that boredom is fantastic for children’s play and helps healthy development.

Over the next two weeks of school holidays, we encourage you to ensure your child puts away any electronic devices and has the opportunity to be bored, without you providing activities or entertainment. When children have to find something to do, they’re forced to use their problem-solving skills, creative thinking and imagination.

Remember, the 74 Fun Things To Do Out Of School list is a great resource for added inspiration.

Happy holidays!

For more information on the importance of allowing your child time to be bored, visit the Raising Children Network website or Smart Parenting.