A big thank you to our Community and Fundraising Committee for organizing our Pop up Market, held last Friday. There were wonderful stalls in the Sport Arts Centre, and plenty of fun and excitement for all. All up about $4,000 in profit was made, distributed mainly across the stall holders, including classes. The school benefited from the 10% contribution of each stall, meaning $400 towards our fundraising efforts for the year.

The committee have been hard at work planning some other great events for later in the year. You might want to get these into your diaries:

Footy Pie Day:                Friday 10 May

Ladies Lunch:                 Sunday 26 May

‘Family Movie Night:     Friday 14 June

UPS Quiz Night:            Saturday 10 August

Celebration Night:        Monday 9 December

*Please note that we will also be having our first UPS Lap-a-thon, probably in Term 3. We will notify of this date as soon as possible, to ensure you have time to get into training!