Welcome to the Unley Primary School Instrumental Music Program for 2021. 
Unley Primary School offers a diverse Instrumental Music Program where students in Years 3-7 have the opportunity to learn a variety of instruments and participate in a number of different music groups. Please see the Instrumental Music Program 2021 Booklet on the Skoolbag App and our website for full details of our tuition program including – instruments available, fees, school ensembles and other details about your child’s participation.

Instrumental Music Application Forms
This year our application forms will ONLY be available on the Qkr app. Please note that by completing the 2021 form via the Qkr app, it is an expression of interest for your child to learn an instrument. Preference will be given to continuing students.

Instrumental Music Staff for 2021 
Anne Rodda DfE Cello, Violin, Viola & String Ensemble
George Dinedios DfE Classical Guitar
Alex Roose Voice
Stephanie Pols Flute and Clarinet
Matt Walters Guitar
Michelangelo Micelli Drum Kit
Alyssa Peters Piano
Susan Marshall Music Teacher & School Band

Other Information 
Most of the instrumental teachers are private providers and invoice families directly, not through the school. Unley Primary School also offers tuition for violin, viola and cello for students in Years 3-7 and classical guitar for students in Years 5-7 by the Education Department free of charge. The Instrumental Music Program is provided to the students of Unley Primary School within school hours. Some teachers also teach in break times. To minimize class disruptions, students are permitted to learn only one instrument at school. Unley Primary School owns a number of musical instruments that are available for hire if needed. The ultimate goal of students who learn an ensemble or band instrument is that they participate in one of the school ensembles – the String Ensemble or Band. The ensembles are also open to those students who learn an instrument out of school hours.

Please contact our Instrumental Music Administrator: Susan Marshall Email: susan.marshall969@schools.sa.edu.au or the School Office if you require any additional information.