The Year 2 classes had a wonderful time at Old Tailem Town Pioneer Village to complete our history unit. The students have been exploring how our local area has changed overtime and investigated how aspects of the past can still be seen today.

At Old Tailem Town, students were able to experience what it was like to march into class to the beat of a drum, as was done back in the past. They sat at old wooden desks listening to stories on how school was for students in the early 1900’s. They were shocked to discover children often left school by the age of 13 to either work in the home or to get a job to help support their families.

The students were fascinated by the many artifacts they got to observe as they ventured through the Pioneer village. They were able to walk through homes, shops, and churches from the past. They also enjoyed the opportunity to look at a variety of transportation from the past. This excursion gave the students a great appreciation for the life they have nowdays, while learning from those who came before.