Did you know that Himalayan Rock Salt comes all the way from Pakistan? Did you know that we have salt right here in South Australia? We were surprised to learn about this in “The journey of our food” incursion recently.

The Year 4s have been learning about sustainability and how we can live more sustainably. One of the areas we have learnt about is food and the choices we have as consumers regarding what we eat and what we buy. Our decisions impact the environment and are often unsustainable choices.

Did you know that it can take between 5000 and 20 000 litres of water to produce a kilogram of beef? When we consider this as one batch of Bolognese for one family to eat over the week, that seems like an unsustainable use of water!

We also learnt about food wastage. Did you know that 1/3 of food produced doesn’t get eaten? This really shocked us and made us consider what we really need to buy and how we can reduce our waste.

Food wastage is a problem, but there are things we can do. Creating a home compost for our food waste at home is a great start. This is good for our gardens and helps to save waste heading to landfill.

What does your family do to reduce your waste and to live more sustainably?