A message from Mark Rodda from the Facilities Committee
Our UPS children are blessed with the facilities that they utilise, have access to and share with the community.  The UPS Facilities Committee works with the school to consider the priority areas to improve (from that point, Assistant Principal Dale O’Connor does all the negotiations with the relevant parties for funding, rules and regulations….. thanks Dale)
As a Committee, we meet every second month and then undertake several weekend working bees during the year to upgrade and improve certain garden aspects around the school as you will see in the photos below.  
We are really proud of our achievements over the past few years, but as our kids invariably leave UPS, so do our committee members and thus we need to look for passionate new parents and friends to join us.   If you have an eye and a passion for gardening and the infrastructure that our kids enjoy and flourish in, please give Dale or I a call.  The Committee is one of the most light hearted but productive committees that you’re ever likely to join, so please get involved to ensure that the UPS Facilities continue to improve for our kids.
Mark Rodda
Facilities Committee 
0417 414 123