Instrumental Music lessons are underway for 2021.

This year we have the following teachers teaching instruments at Unley.

Michelangelo Micelli – Drums

Matt Walters – Guitar

Alyssa Peters – Piano

Stephanie Pols – Flute

Alex Roose – Voice

Anne Rodda – Dept Strings

George Dinedios – Dept Classical Guitar

At the last count there are 112 students from years 3 – 7 who are learning an instrument at school this year.

Students are encouraged to stick to their instrument for the whole year but in the case that a child does not wish to continue, please let me know as well as the instrumental teacher.

Invoices will be sent out soon with the administration fee for being part of the instrumental music program as well as instrumental hire invoice where applicable. Payment will be via the Qkr app.

Susan Marshall