As a part of our professional learning in the area of writing and spelling, teachers and support staff at Unley Primary are exploring some common misconceptions about spelling that are important for us to understand.

One common misunderstanding is that spelling is a rote learning activity where students become effective spellers by learning words through repetition. This may be one way for some students to learn a selection of words well, but it doesn’t equip students with a repertoire of strategies they can apply when spelling and understanding unfamiliar words.

There are a number of highly regarded researchers, educators and literacy leaders who view spelling as a thinking activity – a problem solving activity where students need to think carefully and strategically about how words work.

With this in mind, we have developed some games that can help students practise their spelling learning in a meaningful and engaging way. These Spelling Games can be adapted to suit children of all ages and can offer some fun for the whole family.

For more information about best practice when it comes to teaching and learning spelling, take a look at this resource from the International Literacy Association.