Staff at Unley Primary have recently considered our agreement for students’ use of mobile phones at school. Firstly, we would like to highlight that there is no need for primary-school-age children to have a mobile phone at school. However, if you choose for your child to have a phone, they are required to switch it off and store it in their school bag when they are on school grounds, including before and after school. There have been several instances of students using their phones inappropriately in the school yard before and after the bell, hence the need for action to help address this.

If parents need to get in touch with their child during the school day, they can call the school and be assured our front office staff will communicate the message to their child through the class teacher. Our front office is staffed from 8.00am – 4.30pm each day and as such parents can get in touch with the school before or after the bell. Where students have a genuine need to contact their parents after school, class teachers can help facilitate this before students leave the classroom.

Exceptions to this agreement include students who need to use their mobile phone for health reasons.

Please be aware that the school cannot be responsible for loss or damage caused to mobile phones brought to school.

Thank you for your understanding and support.